Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Conclusion of the GNML sessions. Reflect

Can't believe, it's already the finish of our 4 month work on our Social Change Campaign. We learned, we taught, we explored, we struggled. But the benefits of our work are amazing. Take a look at each other's campaign. They look so professional, attractive and absorbing. GNML'ers we did a great job. Congratulations! And I want to tell THANK YOU to our teachers (Dr. Rob, Hilary and Hannah) and you my friends for you feedbacks and proposals.
The most rewarding experience I got during online sessions is feedbacks. I can't explain how it's wonderful to realize that people are interested in your work. Nothing compares to the friends' opinion and their desire to help you. I got different kind of comments: some of them were congrats with the good job, some were opinions, other were advices. But all of them helped me to get new ideas and create new posts and videos.
What about the most challenging experience? I can't tell that I had one. Some of them were easy to complete with some other I have some challenges. For instance: the second assignment was about choosing Social Issue in my country. It took me some time to figure out one. And no, it's not because my country doesn't have any social issues, the challenge included the choosing the issue which is not really mighty, I can actually change with my own efforts now. And I decided to develop Caspian Sea Trash Issue Campaign, beginning with finding volunteers and clean Caspian Sea beaches. I also had some technical challenges with Twitter and LinkedIn. But it was not a big deal to overcome them=)
Social Media take a huge place in our life nowadays. And it's very important to know how to use it in positive manner.
Blogger - one of the most powerful online platforms today. With help of Blog people share information, exchange ideas with others. Considering that the number of characters are unlimited Blog is a good place to explain well what are doing and why. I'm going to continue to use it back home for improving my campaign and sharing ideas with other people who are interested in my project.
Facebook - world’s most widely used and pervasive social media network not only for friends but also for different communities and organizations. I effectively used Facebook as a powerful crowdsourcing platform for my Social Media for Social Change Campaign by inviting friends and friends of friends to “Like” my Facebook Caspian Sea Trash Issue Campaign Page and sharing information from your blog.
Instagram - picture worth 1000 words. Sometimes people just tired to read a long papers and they more enjoy pictures which tells us sometimes more than we can write. Using Instagram’s photo capturing platform, began to tell a powerful VISUAL story about my social issue.
 Instagram is very used in my country, especially by teens , because it's one of the easiest ways to tell your story.
LinkedIn - is a professional online network, with more than 200 million professional users worldwide. It's usually used more by professional, for searching jobs and employees. Back home I'm going to find people who will support my project by providing ideas and financing with the help of LinkedIn.
Youtube (the most popular video streaming site on the Internet) and Twitter ( driven by short (micro) messages ideally suited to mobile devices, and “mobile” is a technology that is exploding around the world) are not really used in my country, but there are two other Social Media Platforms used very widely: Vkontake and Odnoklassniki - resemble to Facebook. I'm going to create special pages about my Social Issue on these platforms and improve my campaign.
All Social Media which I got chance to know I'm going to use back home to improve my campaign and bring benefits to our world!!!

Monday, February 23, 2015

My elevator pitch: Caspian Sea Trash Issue.

Hello, everybody!!! Hope you enjoyed your holidays! This me elevator pitch: Caspian Sea Trash Issue. I have worked hard on it, so I hope you will have fun watching this video!!! Also if you have Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn accounts don't forget to follow me there=) Good luck!!!=)

Sunday, February 22, 2015

UNEP in the Caspian

Good evening, friends! Hope you are doing great!!! And I'm ready to post a new post about Caspian Sea Trash Issue.  This post is about UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) participation in Caspian Sea concern. This article includes general information about Caspian Sea and these questions: What are the main environmental concerns in the region? How is UNEP helping address these challenges? In order to protect Caspian Sea UNEP adopted and signed The Framework Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea in 2003  The Convention , also known as the Tehran Convention, aims at protecting the Caspian Sea from all sources of pollution and at preserving and restoring its biological resources for present and future generations. The Tehran Convention addresses all threats to the Caspian environment and notably commits the Caspian states to jointly prevent pollution and protect the marine environment as well as encourages the Contracting Parties to build and secure a sustainable future. You can find more information about UNEP participation in Caspian Sea life on this web page. And have a great week!!!=)

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Welcome to my new LinkedIn profile!!!

Glad to announce that I finally created my LinkedIn profile. I'm very interested in people who have the same goal as me to protect Caspian Sea and it's shore from contamination. But if you're just interested and want to look my profile page, you're always welcome to visit it and connect with me=)

Ecosystem and environment Caspian Sea

My greeting to you!!! Hope you enjoy your Sunday=) The weather is warm and sunny in Alabama and it's exactly time for new post (all information provided by Google Alerts).  Here is a new article about Ecosystem and environment Caspian Sea. Mostly it discusses causes of the pollution of the Caspian Sea water. There are no any options how to solve them. But my opinion is that is very important to know all the reasons first and only then begin to solve them.  Caspian Sea is divided between the independent countries of Iran, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Russia, Turkmenistan. The former Soviet Republics are trying to attract more investors in the oil and gas sectors. This leads to the beginning of extraction works to the ecology of the Caspian basin. Oil and gas extraction, along with transportation and industrial production has been the source of soil, air and water pollution in the Caspian region. For instance, in Kazakhstan the cases of blood disease, tuberculosis and other diseases are four times more common in the Caspian area than the rest of the country’s average. The Caspian sturgeon and Caspian seal, one of two freshwater spices in the world, have been dying in large number as a result of polluters and poachers since the collapse of the former Soviet Union.There is no doubt that development of the oil and gas industry does have the significant impacts to the environment. I encourage you to read this article. Also if you have any questions and comments, please feel free to contact me. Thank you=)

Saturday, January 24, 2015

The enviroment situatuon on the Caspian Sea. Causes of problems and solutions.

Hello, people all over the world and especially my GNML friends. I'm so glad that you keep reading my blog because the number of views is impressive=) I appreciate it. Yesterday Google Alerts presented a gift to me. It offered a wonderful website about Caspian sea; facts, news and other different information.
I found a special page about it's environment. And I was stupefied. The environmental situation in the Caspian sea is one of great pressure. And it worse than I thought. Some areas have become dead zones, and the Caspian shelf mainly looses its validity as a place for spawning of the Caspian sea fishes. It is under a constant threat of pollution. There are various sources of the pollution, which we can classify as follows:
  1. River flow;
  2. Onshore industrial and municipal waste water;
  3. Offshore and onshore oil extraction;
  4. Sea level growth, as a result of the flooded coastal zone, where also many oil wells still function, pollutions reaches the sea.
Please take your time to read this page and get informed about the seriousness of the situation. You will also find some interesting information about Caspian Sea which you will enjoy.


Friday, January 23, 2015

Finally Instagram=)

Good evening, my friends!!! Finally I created my Instagram page...yeey!!!=D If you are Instagram user and you enjoy my compaign, please follow me there @caspianseatrashissue
And I wish you a great weekends=)

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Kazakhstan, Russia, Azerbaijan to preserve Caspian ecosystem!!!

Good night, everybody! Hope you have had  great weekends. My new blog post is out. Hope you will enjoy it.
The Caspian Sea has again been in the focus of international environmental experts. What problems need to be addressed to protect the marine resources of this unique sea? What solutions do experts offer? Are marine researches sufficiently conducted? How is training of specialists? These and many other questions were discussed by experts of the three Caspian states - Kazakhstan, Russia and Azerbaijan in the international videoconference Astana-Moscow–Baku, held on the eve of World Marine Day. Visit this web-site to learn more about Caspian Sea and how 5 different countries on the Caspian Sea coast try to solve this issue. Thank you for being interested in my blog=)