Saturday, November 1, 2014

Our Caspian Sea coast will be a paradisiacal place on the Earth!
Good evening (and Good Morning, because somewhere it's already Sunday) my readers. I'm so glad to write new post for you. Now I want to tell you more about very important issue in my country. I'm from Turkmenistan - the country in Central Asia. And one of our precious places is Caspian Sea. But as you already know, my issue concerns the pollution of the Caspian Sea Coast. Caspian Sea coast is very amazing place for rest. But every year when summer comes, the shore turns into very miry place with trash everywhere. It's a very bad picture to see beautiful coast and trash near it. With Social Media for Social Media Campaign I want to attract attention of different organization(like volunteers) and people from my country to this Issue. And thus we will begin our work together. I'm going to try to find and creative different ways and methods of solving this problem.But this Blog will be helpful for people from over the world. I hope it will help you to find issues in your home communities and maybe you will use the same ways as we are going to do. In that way we will change the world to the good direction step by step together. Let's enjoy our work. If you have comments or advices, please write me....don't be shy. I will be appreciated=)


  1. Privet!
    I like your idea, Caspian shouldn't repeat the destiny of Aralskoe lake. So, move forward and don't give up!

  2. I like you blog))))) and you ideas. Keep going)))
